This flag symbolizes the enduring courage and spirit of true American patriots. The design is to represent the hundreds of selfless acts and courage that were born on 09/11/01. This tragedy was minimized because of these brave men and women who put themselves in harm’s way because of their commitment to duty and country.

Thousands of volunteers and everyday citizens also responded to a collective cry for help and became heroes that day. The “American Tribute” was inspired by a promise and commitment to honor all the heroes and keep their spirit alive. Their names are embedded in the flag as they embody the heart and soul of America.

Those who lost their lives on 9/11 and the ones losing their lives today are all named in the body of this flag. We will never honestly know all the acts of heroism that day, but we know that people lost their lives helping others.

A Well Deserve Tribute

The names of those who stood up for America that day are laid out in this flag with an insignia after their name. The insignia is either a symbol for the profession they honored or a symbol of where they took a stand for America that day.

The names in the blue field of stars represent the men and women who were exposed to the hazards of their rescue efforts and have perished since 09/11/2001. These names will continue to be added annually as many more of our brothers and sisters lose their day-to-day fights. The bottom of the flag encompasses the parts of America that were directly attacked. .

Receive a free poem in PDF format entitle "I'm There With You" by Fabrizio Bivona as a tribute to all those who perished September 11, 2001..

We hope that the spirits of our fallen brothers and sisters are kept alive as a beacon of hope and inspiration. These men and women of honor represent the best America has to offer. Please join us to proudly display “the American Tribute” as this symbol of selfless sacrifice and excellence.